As a future art educator I feel it is my duty to have an appropriate and well planned teaching philosophy. Throughout my field experiences and education courses I have learned the importance of planning and procedure in teaching. Within my plans, I work to prioritize creative problem solving amongst students, and find that with art the most important thing is that creative freedom. Students should be able to express themselves in my classroom in and outside of the lesson plans that I present.
Alongside feeling comfortable expressing themselves, students should feel safe in the art room. I want to stress the importance of inclusivity in my future classroom, without singling out any person or bodies of people. Regardless of who they are as individuals, every child should be given the same tools and outlets to be a maker. It is important to me as a teacher that all students are given the same amount of nurturing in the classroom to truly develop their own artistic senses.
If a student's creativity is not nurtured from an early age I feel as though it's harder for them to feel motivated to make art later in life. So many students are quick to say, "I can't draw that, I can't draw at all." But that's exactly the point. You don't know how to draw it, yet! It's only an unlearned skill that can be planted like a seed and blossom into a flower.
Throughout my time at Valdosta State, I have found that in my own art making I have planted many seeds of creativity. With little thoughtful practices here and there in my own work, I’ve been able to experience the benefits and wonders of art education firsthand. I hope to inspire other students in similar ways and create a visible pathway for them to see themselves as artists.
I cannot wait to help kids learn skills for the future that they can nurture and maybe find a passion in. If not that at least we would make a few fun crafts, and learn some art lingo along the way.
Northview Highschool Graduate
2016-2020: 10625 Parsons Rd Johns Creek, GA 30097
Ranked in the top 250 High Schools during the 2020 graduation year. Graduated with a 1390 SAT Score.
Valdosta State University
2020-Fall of 2024: 1500 N Patterson St Valdosta, GA, 31698
I am currently studying at Valdosta State University with a Major in Art Education. I plan to graduate in fall of 2025.

As kids, our senses were stronger: colors were brighter, things were bigger: it all just felt different. I explore that phenomena through my art, and get a bit closer to it everyday. My process is rather disorderly, in ways similar to that of a kid, often involving a messy combination of paint, fabric, and anything else I find hoarded around the house. My childhood was filled with creativity and chaos. As a reckless child my only true passion was creating weird trinkets and compositions. Through my mixed media pieces, I aim to capture the essence of this surreal childhood nostalgia, blending together artifacts of the past with whimsy.